Wednesday, February 15, 2012

No Deaths From Vitamins in the Last 27 Years however there were 3 Million deaths from pharmaceuticals

From - Despite mainstream medical establishments and media outlets portraying multivitamin supplements as worthless and oftentimes toxic, vitamins have led to 0 deaths over the past 27 years. In contrast, pharmaceutical drugs were responsible for 3 million deaths, topping the death toll from traffic-related incidents. In 2009, pharmaceuticals were responsible for the death of 37,485 people nationwide. Read entire article here. I'm tired of big pharmaceuticals paying for studies to knock down vitamins so they look good meanwhile they killed 3 million people that shouldn't have died, obviously they do some good in saving lives but don't knock the natural vitamin way of life. Multivitamins can be good for but always ask your doctor first.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Vitamin D deficiency

Researches find Vitamin D deficiency is high in trauma patients. According to Science Daily - New research presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) found that 77 percent of trauma patients had deficient or insufficient levels of vitamin D. Read entire article here. This just one more reason to take multi-vitamins of course ask your doctor first.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Election Fraud in Maine Caucus?

Is their election fraud in the Maine Caucus? We'll we don't know from sure but from the Daily Paul. I served as the Chairman of my Caucus in Belfast and I just called the State office to make sure they had the numbers from Belfast and the number they had wasn't not even close to the actually vote [sic]. They said that Romney won, when in fact Ron Paul won... Read entire article here. I find it hard to believe that Ron Paul didn't win in Maine. I also heard that Romney was involved in getting one of the precincts changed with very little notice because it heavily favored Ron Paul. The establishment will do anything to prevent Ron Paul from winning but keep in mind he's doing better than they say and he has a real shot at the nominee. You think what you want but I feel there is fraud out there in more states than Maine, just do a little research and put two and two together.

Monday, January 30, 2012

GBG is Open in Ghana! GBG Business Can Change People's Lifestyle in Ghana

I'm pleased to announce that GBG is now open for business in Ghana. GBG is a strong family oriented business that cares about the average person. A GBG can change the lives of many in Ghana and bring wealth to many people that live there. With the low cost to get involved in A GBG home business makes the people of Ghana have a chance at prosperity and health. I'm proud to be involved with a business that's willing to go outside the US to help people. I encourage the people of Ghana to get involved today in GBG home business for health and wealth to improve your family for now and all future generations.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ron Paul Media Blackout Myrtle Beach Debate

We had yet another media bias blackout for Ron Paul. During the Freedom and Family event on the outside stage at the Myrtle Beach debate 1/16/12 Ron Paul was once again a victim of the media. This took place in the afternoon four or five hours before the debate. All of the Candidates spoke at this event. After Rick Santorum spoke it was now Ron Paul's chance to speak. Immediately after Rick Santorum finished his speech he went over and did an interview with Fox News and they cut off Ron Paul's volume to the audience, this lasted throughout his whole speech and as soon as he was done the volume magically returned. There was at least a few hundred people at this event which I'm sure were all likely voters that weren't able to here Ron Paul's message of Freedom and Liberty. Dr. Paul is the most qualified Candidate to speak at the Freedom and Family event as he is the only one that is one hundred percent for the American's freedom as well as the only Pro-Life Candidate thats got the record to prove it. It's unreal how the media continues to do this to Ron Paul but they can try all they want and they still wont keep his message from getting out.
Ron Paul 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tom Davis Endorses Ron Paul

Tom Davis endorses Ron Paul.. I only got up through the first 5 min of Ron Paul because I had to leave. it's not the greatest video but at least it's something.. the acoustics are bad in the room.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ron Paul Will Win!!

Ron Paul is very capable of winning this 2012 GOP nomination. Nowhere in anyone else's campaign do you see people fired up as much as you do with Ron Paul. Even if it's not this year then the next time, we have grown this Revolution to great strengths and it will continue to grow until we win. People that are fed up with the FED, taxes, big Government, no jobs, the falling dollar, bad economy, and much more have had enough and are taking the Ron Paul Revolution forward. The skeptics need to quit and jump on board and help make this happen and quit following fakes like Romney, Newt, and others

Take a look at this video and you'll see the enthusiasm of the Revolution.

This big movement all got started during his 2008 run where his core base of people which was quite large at that time. From that start his grassroots supporters have preached Liberty, limited Government, and more while showing the light to millions of other fed up Americans. I mean really how much more are Americans willing to give up as far a freedom, money, standard of living, and more. That's why this new age Ron Paul Revolution is surging and it WILL succeed, with the amount of people now involved it has to. Never before have I ever campaigned for anyone until Ron Paul because he isn't the usual political fake like all the others in the race. He can't be bought and paid for like the rest.

The Americans that are involved in this Revolution are your average everyday person from business owners to blue collar workers, from rich to poor we all want our Liberty and Country back. Lets see the Constitution be our main focus like it was meant to be.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

GBG Launches New Pay Plan

GBG just launched a new pay plan. This pay plan is like nothing you've ever seen in the network marketing industry. GBG has really gone outside the box creating this new pay plan. Between the weekly fast start, leadership bonuses, matrix pay with pay points, and worldwide global bonus pools makes for huge income potential. I'm not going to get in to the details because I can't explain it as good as GBG can. Just go to THIS SITE and look at the compensation plan and see for your self that it's nothing close to any other network marketing company. With GBG starting to go worldwide and with it's newest awesome weight loss product Willpower in a bottle now couldn't be a better time to join with us and change your health and your future!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Why Presidential Primary Polls Are Inaccurate

The reason Presidential Primary Polls are inaccurate is because the way the polls are conducted. These primary polls are conducted by calling individuals on landline phones...THIS IS THE PROBLEM. The number of people that have done away with that old technology is huge and raises everyday. As the age of the person goes up so does the chance that they have a landline phone which also creates another huge problem... THESE POLLS DON'T CAPTURE THE YOUNGER VOTE. Lets use myself for example, I'm 33 years old and I haven't had a landline since 1999 and never will again which means I will never have a chance to answer the pollster to give my two cents. I would say that the closer the public is to 40 and up the chance that they have a landline goes way up, what also goes way up is that the chance of that person being less informed by not being as tech savoy and watching and reading mainstream media which is also becoming a thing of the past.
Lets take a look at the age of people polled in the latest New Hampshire Presidential Primary Poll conducted by Suffolk
University/7NEWS conducted 1/5-1/6
18-34 10%
35-44 12%
45-54 27%
55-64 24%
65-74 15%
75+ 10%
As you can see the number of older voters in this poll is substantially higher than the young voters.
Now lets take a look at the difference in the young voter vs the old voter. The young voter like myself is going to be more informed about the real issues and what's really important in this Country. I like most other young people aren't going to be brainwashed by the mainstream media to vote how they think I should, tell me what they want me to here. When you look at the older the age equals more landlines it will also correlate with being less informed. The young voters will get their news from more trustful sources on the Internet. These young voters are more likely to vote for someone like Ron Paul who gets huge young voters because he connects with the young people in this Country that know we're in a financial crisis and that they will eventually have to pay for this through more taxation. Ron Paul gets more web traffic than the other candidates could even dream of and he also receives more military contributions than all the other candidates combined which are also mostly young voters. The young people that make up a large portion of the net know Ron Paul and love him but will never get to answer the pollsters as they've moved on from the past and only have a cell phone now. As a Home Based Business owner I'm extremely worried about what's going to happen to my money with taxes on the rise and I definitely not counting on Social InSecurity being there which is the way most young people my age think about and are worried about.
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