Wednesday, February 15, 2012

No Deaths From Vitamins in the Last 27 Years however there were 3 Million deaths from pharmaceuticals

From - Despite mainstream medical establishments and media outlets portraying multivitamin supplements as worthless and oftentimes toxic, vitamins have led to 0 deaths over the past 27 years. In contrast, pharmaceutical drugs were responsible for 3 million deaths, topping the death toll from traffic-related incidents. In 2009, pharmaceuticals were responsible for the death of 37,485 people nationwide. Read entire article here. I'm tired of big pharmaceuticals paying for studies to knock down vitamins so they look good meanwhile they killed 3 million people that shouldn't have died, obviously they do some good in saving lives but don't knock the natural vitamin way of life. Multivitamins can be good for but always ask your doctor first.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Vitamin D deficiency

Researches find Vitamin D deficiency is high in trauma patients. According to Science Daily - New research presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) found that 77 percent of trauma patients had deficient or insufficient levels of vitamin D. Read entire article here. This just one more reason to take multi-vitamins of course ask your doctor first.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Election Fraud in Maine Caucus?

Is their election fraud in the Maine Caucus? We'll we don't know from sure but from the Daily Paul. I served as the Chairman of my Caucus in Belfast and I just called the State office to make sure they had the numbers from Belfast and the number they had wasn't not even close to the actually vote [sic]. They said that Romney won, when in fact Ron Paul won... Read entire article here. I find it hard to believe that Ron Paul didn't win in Maine. I also heard that Romney was involved in getting one of the precincts changed with very little notice because it heavily favored Ron Paul. The establishment will do anything to prevent Ron Paul from winning but keep in mind he's doing better than they say and he has a real shot at the nominee. You think what you want but I feel there is fraud out there in more states than Maine, just do a little research and put two and two together.

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